Yes, Loan settlement is possible! Start your journey towards becoming debt free today


Debt relief or "Loan settlement" is an opportunity to get out of your loan/debt trap without paying the full amount owed by you. Our experts negotiate with your creditors to get them to agree to settle for less than the full amount you owe.

There are 5 phases in Loan settlement process:

1. Check Eligibility

Share information about your unsecured debts (credit cards, personal loans etc) with our counsellors and check your eligibility for debt settlement.

2. Enrol

Sign up with us after selecting a suitable plan and signing a legal agreement that protects your interest and enables debt settlement.

3. Save

Start saving in a Settlement account that you control and let us handle the communication with your creditors to remove your worries and harassment.

4. Negotiate

After enough funds build up in the Settlement account, we will negotiate with your creditors to settle your loans for significantly less than the outstanding amounts.

5. Settle

We will work hard to get you the best savings possible and settle the loans after your approval. Once the amount is paid to the creditors, you get your settlement letter and become debt free!


Credit card loans

If you have taken credit card loan and you are unable to pay back, we can help you to settle at less than what you owe.

Credit card payments

Not able to pay your credit card outstandings? Incurring heavy interest and late fees? There is a better solution through debt settlement.

Personal Loans

Personal unsecured loans breaking your back? Get out of the viscious cycle and pay off your loans through an easy settlement plan.

Other Unsecured Loans

Harassed by recovery agents for repayment of unsecured loans? Don't worry, there is a way out through negotiated debt settlement.

About Us

We are an innovative fintech company with the mission to help people in financial distress come out of their debt traps. It is common knowledge that in India, if you default on your loan repayments, you get hounded by recovery agents and life becomes miserable, in spite of several Supreme Court judgements against the use of strong arm tactics in recovery.

Debt settlement is common in developed economies like USA and Europe but is not practiced often in India. And no one is on the side of the hapless consumer who may not be in a position to repay their loans due to circumstances not in their control – job losses, medical emergencies etc.

With Covid-19 pandemic, job losses and pay cuts have accelerated and it has become even more important to pursue debt settlement options wherever possible. is steered by experienced entrepreneurs who are alumni of IIT, IIM and MIT USA. They bring more than 30 years of entrepreneurial experience in varied domains – consulting, online education and global careers management.


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